The Genesis NFT Collection

A Journey Through Ancient Narratives
Reimagined with AI Artistry

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    Chapter 1

Innovative NFT Collation


In this chapter, 31 NFTs are found, similar to the verses in BIBLE CH1, which describe the creation of light, the separation of heaven and earth, the creation of land and sea, the formation of vegetation, the emergence of sea creatures and birds, the creation of the sun, moon, and stars, the development of land animals and humans, as well as the creation of the sun, moon, and stars.

Innovative NFT Collation

Why The Genesis Collection?

The Genesis Collection reminds us of our origins, with each of the NFTs telling a part of a profound and timeless narrative to illustrate an inspiring story recognized globally across multiple faiths.

Raise donations to charities continuously, ensuring transparency throughout the process thanks to the blockchain platform.

Each NFT tells its unique story of its verse and is tokenized as an ERC721 type, a unique 1 of 1 edition among 1533 NFTs that tell the entire story of the Book of Genesis.

This collection consists of 50 chapters. Each chapter will be released individually at higher prices. Early investors can buy them at a discounted rate during the pre-sale phase and may benefit from selling their NFTs at higher prices in the public sale phase.

By embedding the verse’s words as metadata in the blockchain for every NFT, collectors now experience a newfound spiritual depth and enhanced comprehension of their digital asset, marking a pioneering move within the NFT sector.


Charitable Impact

Empowering the future by nurturing children’s dreams

With every purchase, you contribute to a brighter tomorrow. 33% of initial sales and 2% of secondary sales are donated to charities dedicated to children’s welfare and education.

In addition to supporting charities that support underprivileged children, the Genesis Collection is dedicated to philanthropic efforts. The sale of these unique NFTs contributes a significant portion of their proceeds to charity: 33% of the initial sale is split evenly among three charities, each receiving 11% of the proceeds. These charities also receive 2% of the creator’s royalty percentage during secondary sales. Through charitable contributions, the collection is committed to making a meaningful impact on children’s lives.


  1. Save the Children: Save the Children is a group of people who want to help children have a good life. They want to make sure children are healthy, safe, and can learn. They help children and families in many different countries, even during times of crisis. They also accept donations in a special kind of money called cryptocurrency, which they use to help children in need. They believe that this kind of technology can be used to make the world a better place for everyone.

    Learn More


     Twitter: @SavetheChildren


  2. Children International: This organization helps kids who are poor by giving them things they need, like soap and education. They want to help these kids grow up and have good jobs so they don’t have to be poor anymore. Even though things are different right now because of the virus, they are still finding ways to help the kids and their families, like teaching them about staying healthy and having job training webinars online.

    Learn More


     Twitter: @children


  3. Compassion International, Inc: Compassion is a group that helps kids who don’t have a lot of money. They want to make sure these kids have everything they need, like food, medicine, and education. They work with churches and communities to make sure the kids are taken care of. When you donate to Compassion, you are helping these kids have a better life.



    Learn More


     Twitter: @compassion 

Phase 1



- Ideas and concepts
- Project Features
- AI Platform Selected
- Finalize NFTs Artworks
- Charity partnerships
- Launch Website
- Social media strategy
- Marketing Strategy
- Community Engaged
- Pre-Launch Marketing

Phase 2


Chapter 1 Launch

- Officially launch Chapter 1 of The Genesis Collection.

- Monitor and address any technical issues promptly.

- Begin documenting charitable contributions and partnerships for transparency.

Phase 03

October 20, 2022

Metaverse 3.0 Launch

Morbi non dignissim erat, a blandit felis. Suspendisse nec lorem vel orci varius congue ut vitae est. Nam quis tempus nisl. Fusce posuere nibh a mi molestie, sit amet ornare lectus interdum.

Phase 04

November 11, 2022

Female Set #20 is Coming Up

Morbi non dignissim erat, a blandit felis. Suspendisse nec lorem vel orci varius congue ut vitae est. Nam quis tempus nisl. Fusce posuere nibh a mi molestie, sit amet ornare lectus interdum.

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